(SR) Jotaro Kujo (Eyes of Heaven)

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Jotaro Kujo (Eyes of Heaven) small.png
Unit Jotaro Kujo (Eyes of Heaven).png
Bg SR.png
Coin l Ability SR.png
Unit Jotaro Kujo (Eyes of Heaven).png
Frame SR Blue.png
Icon SR.png
Jotaro Kujo Stand User
Icon Blue.png
Stardust Crusaders
Star Platinum
HP: Joestar

A high school student with calm judgement and a strong sense of justice. He is sometimes labeled as a delinquent due to his harsh personality.
List of Medals.png
Main Info


This unit cannot be set as member of the team.


Unit list ability Blue.png
Icon Skill SP.png
Eyes of Heaven
When there are only 2 allies left on the field, ATK+150%, movement distance +100%, Smash range +30% for both allies until the end of the Round! Even if the number of allies changes during this time, the effect won't go away!

Set of Medals[edit | edit source]

Eyes of Heaven
Coin m SSR.png
Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando (Eyes of Heaven) small.png

Unit skillcolor Red.png
Coin m SSR.png
Joseph Joestar and Kars (Eyes of Heaven) small.png

Unit skillcolor White.png
Coin m SSR.png
Jotaro Kujo and DIO (Eyes of Heaven) small.png

Unit skillcolor Red.png
Coin m Ability SR.png
Jotaro Kujo (Eyes of Heaven) small.png

Unit skillcolor Blue.png