(SR) Nukesaku

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Nukesaku small.png
Unit Nukesaku.png
Bg SR.png
Coin l SR.png
Unit Nukesaku.png
Frame SR Black.png
Icon SR.png
Nukesaku Vampire
Icon Black.png
Stardust Crusaders

His nickname "Nukesaku" was given to him after someone made fun of his dumb personality. His real name is unknown, and in reality, he's not very talented.
List of Medals.png
Main Info


Leader Skill

A person who receives blood

Black attributes and Vampires HP+60%

Command Skill

Unbeatable ability

During 2 turns, turn yourself into a woman and you will not be targeted by the enemy, but ATK drops to 75%! Furthermore, when it's a woman, the damage cut becomes 50%!

Coin m Ally Black SR.png
Nukesaku CS small.png


Unit list ability Black.png
Icon Skill SP.png
I was a member
When an allied unit would die, this unit will protect them and die too! The protected ally will be revived with full HP and gain ATK+300% until the end of the Round!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Madness off icon.png

Madness tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Madness


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

Unbeatable ability
Level 1 During 2 turns, turn yourself into a woman and you will not be targeted by the enemy, but ATK drops to 75%! Furthermore, when it's a woman, the damage cut becomes 50%!
Level 20 During 2 turns, turn yourself into a woman and you will not be targeted by the enemy, but ATK drops to 75%! Furthermore, when it's a woman, the damage cut becomes 50%!

Ability[edit | edit source]

I was a member
Level 1 When an allied unit would die, this unit will protect them and die too! The protected ally will be revived with full HP and gain ATK+300% until the end of the Round!
Level 20 When an allied unit would die, this unit will protect them and die too! The protected ally will be revived with full HP and gain ATK+1200%' until the end of the Round!

How to Get[edit | edit source]

  • Encounter Quest - Pardon! Guider Nukesaku.

Enhancements[edit | edit source]

January 15, 2020
- Leader Skill:
Black attributes and Vampires HP+30%

- Command Skill:
During 2 turns, turn yourself into a woman and you will not be targeted by the enemy, but ATK drops to 70%! Furthermore, when it's a woman, the damage cut becomes 30%!

- Ability:
When an allied unit would die, this unit will protect them and die too! The protected ally will be revived with full HP and gain ATK+200% until the end of the round!

- Break Skill:
Received Madness Invalid Break Skill