(SR) Okuyasu Nijimura (I’ve caught it!)

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Okuyasu Nijimura (I’ve caught it!) small.png
Unit Okuyasu Nijimura (I’ve caught it!).png
Bg SR.png
Coin l SR.png
Unit Okuyasu Nijimura (I’ve caught it!).png
Frame SR Blue.png
Icon SR.png
Okuyasu Nijimura Stand User
Icon Blue.png
Diamond Is Unbreakable
The Hand

A classmate of Josuke's. He is simple and intuitive, but has a good heart. He is slightly dim-witted and in his own words "I get headaches if I think too hard".
List of Medals.png
Main Info


Leader Skill

Angry brother

Blue attributes and Stand users ATK+35%, movement distance +30% and Smash range +15% up!

Command Skill

I’ve caught it!

Deal 650% damage to one enemy unit on the field, and the enemy unit hit with this skill will then be immobilised and cannot move for one turn afterwards!


Unit list ability Blue.png
Icon Skill Buff.png
During the turn, if this unit is the second of your team to move gain ATK+300%!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Fear off icon.png

Fear tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Fear


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

I’ve caught it!
Level 1 Deal 650% damage to one enemy unit on the field, and the enemy unit hit with this skill will then be immobilised and cannot move for one turn afterwards!
Level 20 Deal 7000% damage to one enemy unit on the field, and the enemy unit hit with this skill will then be immobilised and cannot move for one turn afterwards!

Ability[edit | edit source]

Level 1 During the turn, if this unit is the second of your team to move gain ATK+300%!
Level 20 During the turn, if this unit is the second of your team to move gain ATK+1200%!

Enhancements[edit | edit source]

March 30, 2020
- Leader Skill:
Blue attributes and Stand users ATK+20% and movement distance +20% up!

- Command Skill:
Deal 400% damage to one enemy unit on the field, and the enemy unit hit with this skill will then be immobilised and cannot move for one turn afterwards!

- Ability:
During the turn, if this unit is the second of your team to move gain ATK+200%!