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(SR) Koichi Hirose (Mountain bike)

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Koichi Hirose (Mountain bike) small.png
Unit Koichi Hirose (Mountain bike).png
Bg SR.png
Coin l SR.png
Unit Koichi Hirose (Mountain bike).png
Frame SR Blue.png
Icon SR.png
Koichi Hirose
Icon Blue.png
Diamond Is Unbreakable

A classmate of Josuke. He is a little timid, but he has the courage to act boldly when the time comes.
List of Medals.png
Main Info


Leader Skill

Man among men

Blue attributes movement +20%, Smash range +15%

Command Skill

Mountain bike

Ride in the mountain bike and move right further to the right side 200% moving distance! Moving through the medals, the enemies who touched are buried for one turn and can't act!


Unit list ability Blue.png
Icon Skill SP.png
I'm not scared!
At the beginning of the turn, if HP is at the maximum, Skill Gauge will increase by 10%!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Intimidation off icon.png

Intimidation tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Intimidation


Ability[edit | edit source]

I'm not scared!
Level 1 At the beginning of the turn, if HP is at the maximum, Skill Gauge will increase by 10%!
Level 20 At the beginning of the turn, if HP is at the maximum, Skill Gauge will increase by 30%!

How to Get[edit | edit source]

  • Encounter Quest - A courageous boy