(SR) Yuya Fungami (60 Km/h)

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Yuya Fungami (60 Km-h) small.png
Unit Yuya Fungami (60 Km-h).png
Bg SR.png
Coin l SR.png
Unit Yuya Fungami (60 Km-h).png
Frame SR Blue.png
Icon SR.png
Yuya Fungami Stand User
Icon Blue.png
Diamond Is Unbreakable
Highway Star

A boy who is in a critical condition with full body bruises and is unconscious. To recover from his injuries, he manipulates his stand to collect nutrients from others.
List of Medals.png
Main Info


Leader Skill

Seriously ill boy

Red and Blue attributes HP+35% and movement distance +30% up!

Command Skill


Deal 800% damage to all enemies within a medium circular range, and absorb HP according to the amount of damage dealt! Furthermore, for two turns afterwards deal 400% damage to all enemies who come into contact with the wall, and absorb some of this damage as HP!


Unit list ability Blue.png
Icon Skill SP.png
For the first 60 hits of a combo that this unit makes, increase its ATK by +15%!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Fear off icon.png

Fear tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Fear

Enhancements[edit | edit source]

August 29, 2019
- Leader Skill:
Red and Blue attributes HP+20% and movement distance +20% up!

- Command Skill:
Deal 400% damage to all enemies within a medium circular range, and absorb HP according to the amount of damage dealt! Furthermore, for two turns afterwards deal 100% damage to all enemies who come into contact with the wall, and absorb some of this damage as HP!

- Ability:
For the first 60 hits of a combo that this unit makes, increase its ATK by +5%!

See Also[edit | edit source]