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(SSR) Caesar A. Zeppeli (Time Attack)

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Caesar A. Zeppeli (Time Attack) small.png
Unit Caesar A. Zeppeli (Time Attack).png
Time Attack unit
Bg SSR.png
Coin l SSR.png
Unit Caesar A. Zeppeli (Time Attack).png
Frame SSR Silver.png
Icon SSR.png
Caesar A. Zeppeli Hamon User
Icon Silver.png
Battle Tendency
Hamon User
Attack: 4,820
HP: 4,160 Zeppeli

The grandson of Will A. Zeppeli. He's talented at Hamon incorporating soap bubbles into his techniques. He's proud of his lineage, and although he may be harsh, he cares about his friends and family.
List of Medals.png
Main Info
This is the first Time Attack unit.


Leader Skill

A pedigree with high pride

Grant all allies double Smash

Command Skill

I'll blast you back home, Joestar!

Deal 500% x 5 consecutive blows between enemies within range (circular middle-side) and blow them away at their own movement distance! The targets get 150% damage by the wall and enemy contact 300% damage (circular medium size) x 3 consecutive blows!


Unit list ability Silver.png
Icon Skill SP.png
Ripple Chain
Smash changes to Ripple Chain (large circular range)! Ripple Chain deals 500% damage and causes allies within range to trigger their Smashes.

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill on.png
Iconbase antiareaskill on.png

Resist Intimidation on icon.png

Intimidation invalid
Disable the effects of area skills Intimidation

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Tactical off icon.png

Tactics tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Tactics


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

I'll blast you back home, Joestar!
Level 1 Deal 500% x 5 consecutive blows between enemies within range (circular middle-side) and blow them away at their own movement distance! The targets get 150% damage by the wall and enemy contact 300% damage (circular medium size) x 3 consecutive blows!
Level 20 Deal 10000% x 10 consecutive blows between enemies within range (circular middle-side) and blow them away at their own movement distance! The targets get 500% damage by the wall and enemy contact 8000% damage (circular medium size) x 3 consecutive blows!

Ability[edit | edit source]

Ripple Chain
Level 1 Smash changes to Ripple Chain (large circular range)! Ripple Chain deals 500% damage and causes allies within range to trigger their Smashes.
Level 2 Smash changes to Ripple Chain (large circular range)! Ripple Chain deals 579% damage and causes allies within range to trigger their Smashes.
Level 10 Smash changes to Ripple Chain (large circular range)! Ripple Chain deals 1211% damage and causes allies within range to trigger their Smashes.
Level 14 Smash changes to Ripple Chain (large circular range)! Ripple Chain deals 1526% damage and causes allies within range to trigger their Smashes.
Level 15 Smash changes to Ripple Chain (large circular range)! Ripple Chain deals 1605% damage and causes allies within range to trigger their Smashes.
Level 16 Smash changes to Ripple Chain (large circular range)! Ripple Chain deals 1684% damage and causes allies within range to trigger their Smashes.
Level 18 Smash changes to Ripple Chain (large circular range)! Ripple Chain deals 1842% damage and causes allies within range to trigger their Smashes.
Level 19 Smash changes to Ripple Chain (large circular range)! Ripple Chain deals 1921% damage and causes allies within range to trigger their Smashes.
Level 20 Smash changes to Ripple Chain (large circular range)! Ripple Chain deals 2000% damage and causes allies within range to trigger their Smashes.

Recommended Equips[edit | edit source]

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Coin m SSR.png
Joseph Joestar (Time Attack) small.png

Joseph Joestar (Time Attack)
One more "Ripple Chain" Smash and attack increased.

How to Get[edit | edit source]

  • Time Attack points exchange

See Also[edit | edit source]