(SSR) Illuso (Polar Star)

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Illuso (Polar Star) small.png
Unit Illuso (Polar Star).png
Polar Star unit
Bg SSR.png
Coin l SSR.png
Unit Illuso (Polar Star).png
Frame SSR Blue.png
Icon SSR.png
Illuso Stand User
Icon Blue.png
Vento Aureo
Man in the Mirror
HP: Passione
Squadra Esecuzioni

A member of the assassination team. He attacked Giorno and his team who were travelling to Pompeii under orders from the boss.
List of Medals.png
Main Info


Link Skill

See also: Scaling

Thug in the mirror

Squadra Esecuzioni members Smash range +10%, Smash +2

Command Skill

I dragged it!

Within the CS range, deal 800% to the enemy and reduce their ATK and movement by 30%. Furthermore, cancel an enemy's Command Skill activation wait state.


Unit list ability Blue.png
Icon Skill SP.png
I will allow it!
At the time of appearance, increase ATK of all allies by the number of Passione allies on the field x50%. The unit this ability is equipped to also recovers their HP by 10% per each allied from La Squadra unit.

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill on.png
Iconbase antiareaskill on.png

Resist Madness on icon.png

Madness invalid
Disable the effects of area skills Madness

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Confusion off icon.png

Confusion tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Confusion

Link Skill[edit | edit source]

Thug in the mirror
Level 1 Squadra Esecuzioni members Smash range +10%, Smash +2
Level 2 Squadra Esecuzioni members ATK and Smash range +10%, Smash +2
Level 5 Squadra Esecuzioni members ATK and Smash range +25%, Smash +3
Level 11 Squadra Esecuzioni members ATK and Smash range +55%, Smash +4
Level 17 Squadra Esecuzioni members ATK and Smash range +85%, Smash +5
Level 20 Squadra Esecuzioni members ATK and Smash range +100%, Smash +5

Command Skill[edit | edit source]

I dragged it!
Level 1 Within the CS range, deal 800% to the enemy and reduce their ATK and movement by 30%. Furthermore, cancel an enemy's Command Skill activation wait state.

Ability[edit | edit source]

I will allow it!
Level 1 At the time of appearance, increase ATK of all allies by the number of Passione allies on the field x50%. The unit this ability is equipped to also recovers their HP by 10% per each allied from La Squadra unit.

How to Get[edit | edit source]