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(SSR) Jotaro Kujo and Jean Pierre Polnareff

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Jotaro Kujo and Jean Pierre Polnareff small.png
Unit Jotaro Kujo and Jean Pierre Polnareff.png
Advent unit
Bg SSR.png
Coin l SSR.png
Unit Jotaro Kujo and Jean Pierre Polnareff.png
Frame SSR White.png
Icon SSR.png
Jotaro Kujo
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Stand User
Icon White.png
Stardust Crusaders
Star Platinum and Silver Chariot

The overwhelming speed of Star Platinum's rush and Silver Chariot's striking blows blew Alessi away
List of Medals.png
Main Info


Leader Skill

Men who can't leave things alone

At the start of the Round, all allies on the field gain +2 Smashes

Command Skill


Move while dealing 250% damage to your surroundings (small circular size)! If you dealt 50 hits or more when you stop, Jotaro appears and deals 500% x 10 hits of defense-ignoring damage to your surroundings (large circular size)!


Unit list ability White.png
Icon Skill SP.png
Pincer attack
When you Smash, deal 200% of defense-ignoring damage to enemies that are in-between you and your allies!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill on.png
Iconbase antiareaskill on.png

Resist Fear on icon.png

Fear invalid
Disable the effects of area skills Fear

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Intimidation off icon.png

Intimidation tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Intimidation


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

Level 1 Move while dealing 250% damage to your surroundings (small circular size)! If you dealt 50 hits or more when you stop, Jotaro appears and deals 500% x 10 hits of defense-ignoring damage to your surroundings!

Ability[edit | edit source]

Pincer attack
Level 1 When you Smash, deal 200% of defense-ignoring damage to enemies that are in-between you and your allies!
Level 8 When you Smash, deal 366% of defense-ignoring damage to enemies that are in-between you and your allies!
Level 10 When you Smash, deal 413% of defense-ignoring damage to enemies that are in-between you and your allies!

How to Get[edit | edit source]

  • Diamond Gacha
  • Exchange Beginners Gacha Ticket

References[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]