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(SSR) King Crimson

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King Crimson small.png
Unit King Crimson.png
Super Advent unit
Bg SSR.png
Coin l SSR.png
Unit King Crimson.png
Frame SSR Silver.png
Icon SSR.png
King Crimson
The Boss
Stand User
Icon Silver.png
Vento Aureo
Boss's King Crimson
Attack: / 9400
HP: / 9560 Passione

The Stand of Passione's "boss". Nobody knows the users true identity.
List of Medals.png
Main Info
This is a Super Advent unit (SP).


Leader Skill

Invincible ability

Passione members ATK+80%, Skill Gauge increases by 2 at the start of every turn

Command Skill

See also: Scaling

King Crimson

For 3 turns (
Tac status 559.png
) invalidate all damage during enemy movement, and reduce the enemies action count by 3 upon activation! Furthermore, at the end of enemy movement, deal 9999% damage to all enemies that ignores defense and partially ignores defense skills and give +1 to their action and force skip to the next turn!


Unit list ability Silver.png
Icon Skill SP.png
Power to reign
Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 3, movement distance by 2 and Smash range +30% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill on.png
Iconbase antiareaskill on.png

Resist Mischief on icon.png

Mischief invalid
Disable the effects of area skills Mischief

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Destruction off icon.png

You can destroy area skills up to 1 time


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

King Crimson
Level 1 For 3 turns invalidate all damage during enemy movement, and reduce the enemies action count by 3 upon activation! Furthermore, at the end of enemy movement, deal 9999% damage to all enemies that ignores defense and partially ignores defense skills and give +1 to their action and force skip to the next turn!
Level 20 For 3 turns invalidate all damage during enemy movement, and reduce the enemies action count by 3 upon activation! Furthermore, at the end of enemy movement, deal 99999% damage to all enemies that ignores defense and partially ignores defense skills and give +1 to their action and force skip to the next turn!

Ability[edit | edit source]

Power to reign
Level 1 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 3, movement distance by 2 and Smash range +30% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 2 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 3.16, movement distance by 2.05 and Smash range +32% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 3 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 3.32, movement distance by 2.11 and Smash range +34% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 4 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 3.47, movement distance by 2.16 and Smash range +36% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 5 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 3.63, movement distance by 2.21 and Smash range +38% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 6 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 3.79, movement distance by 2.26 and Smash range +41% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 7 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 3.95, movement distance by 2.32 and Smash range +43% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 8 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 4.11, movement distance by 2.37 and Smash range +45% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 9 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 4.26, movement distance by 2.42 and Smash range +47% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 10 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 4.42, movement distance by 2.47 and Smash range +49% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 11 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 4.58, movement distance by 2.53 and Smash range +51% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 12 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 4.74, movement distance by 2.58 and Smash range +53% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 13 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 4.89, movement distance by 2.63 and Smash range +55% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 16 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 5.37, movement distance by 2.79 and Smash range +62% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 18 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 5.68, movement distance by 2.89 and Smash range +66% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 19 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 5.84, movement distance by 2.95 and Smash range +68% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!
Level 20 Once during a Round, If HP becomes 50% or more multiply ATK by 6, movement distance by 3 and Smash range +70% up! Once activated, this effect doesn't expire even if HP drops below 50%!

Recommended Equips[edit | edit source]

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Coin m SSR.png
Jean Pierre Polnareff (Login Bonus) small.png

Jean Pierre Polnareff (Login Bonus)
Increases ATK.
Coin m SSR.png
Bruno Bucciarati (Login Bonus) small.png

Bruno Bucciarati (Login Bonus)
Gain ATK in exchange of removing the Smash.
Coin m SSR.png
Bruno Bucciarati small.png

Bruno Bucciarati
Adds +1 to enemy action count at the start of turn for 3 turns, guarantees use of CS although must be equiped to team leader.

Command Skill build[edit | edit source]

Standard Slots SP Slot Description
Coin m SSR.png
Jean Pierre Polnareff (Login Bonus) small.png

Coin m SSR.png
Prosciutto (Expert Challenge) small.png

Coin m SSR.png
Kosaku Kawajiri (Bites the Dust) small.png
Unit icon VS.png
Unit skillcolor Black.png
Coin m SSR.png
Bruno Bucciarati (Login Bonus) small.png

This build is focused to increase highly King Crimson's ATK. Make sure to have a unit with enemy action delay to support him, because you lack HP and the damage you will take will be doubled. Try to activate your Command Skill before doing anything.
Coin m SSR.png
Bruno Bucciarati and Trish Una small.png

If you have enough dupes of Brutrish and you KC is Lv. 100, you can replace Polnareff with this duo.

Smash Build[edit | edit source]

Standard Slots SP Slot Description
Coin m SSR.png
Pesci (I’ll make up for this!) small.png

Coin m SSR.png
Prosciutto (Expert Challenge) small.png

Coin m SR.png
Keicho Nijimura (Simultaneous Shooting) small.png
Unit icon VS.png
Unit skillcolor Black.png
Coin m SR.png
Risotto Nero (Cut off!) small.png

The standard build for Silver Smash used in regular missions. Using this build allows you to take stats from a unit in the standby slot(For example, SP Abbacchio) with a large amount of stats, and move all that gain to KC for the cost of one ability slot, and then use SR Risotto's ability in turn with an item spawning team member to increase the damage even further.
Coin m SSR.png
Jean Pierre Polnareff (Limited) small.png

By replacing SR Risotto with Limited Polnareff, the unit is now completely usable on Tech Alpha missions, and will be able to kill most enemies with no effort due to the large amount of damage you can generate from Pesci taking stats from a silver unit with Plat Yukako equipped to their variable slot, combined with ignoring enemy defences with Polnareff's ability.

Overview[edit | edit source]

  • Deals huge defense ignoring damage without moving.
  • Can ignore Stroheim's suicide explosion if he dies while time skip.
  • The Command Skill remains for 3 turns, so it helps to kill Stand users that cancels the CS if they appear as reinforcement.
  • Low HP. It can require a support that increases enemy's action count to allow the usage of his CS.


As Enemy[edit | edit source]

Coin m Enemy Silver SSR.png
King Crimson small.png

King Crimson
In a close range to himself, disables the use of the Command Skill.

How to Get[edit | edit source]

  • Diamond Gacha

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This is the first unit that has the Stand as name instead the user.

See Also[edit | edit source]