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(SSR) Leone Abbacchio

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Leone Abbacchio small.png
Unit Leone Abbacchio.png
Super Advent unit
Bg SSR.png
Coin l SSR.png
Unit Leone Abbacchio.png
Frame SSR Black.png
Icon SSR.png
Leone Abbacchio Stand User
Icon Black.png
Vento Aureo
Moody Blues
HP: Team Bucciarati

A member of the Bucciarati team. He believes in following the orders of those who put their trust in him.
List of Medals.png
Main Info
This is a Super Advent unit (SP).


Leader Skill

Track to play

Black attributes and Team Bucciarati Smash range +100%

Command Skill

See also: Scaling

Moody Blues

Deal 2200% damage to enemies within range (medium circle size)! Furthermore, this attack will occur at the end of every ally action for 2 turns!


Unit list ability Black.png
Icon Skill JokerMB.png
Increase HP by 1 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 1 from the same attribute you possess!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill on.png
Iconbase antiareaskill on.png

Resist Confusion on icon.png

Confusion invalid
Disable the effects of area skills Confusion

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Fear off icon.png

Fear tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Fear


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

Moody Blues
Level 1 Deal 2200% damage to enemies within range (medium circle size)! Furthermore, this attack will occur at the end of every ally action for 2 turns!
Level 19 Deal 20958% damage to enemies within range (medium circle size)! Furthermore, this attack will occur at the end of every ally action for 2 turns!
Level 20 Deal 22000% damage to enemies within range (medium circle size)! Furthermore, this attack will occur at the end of every ally action for 2 turns!

Ability[edit | edit source]

Level 1 Increase HP by 1 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 1 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 2 Increase HP by 2 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 2 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 3 Increase HP by 3 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 2 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 4 Increase HP by 4 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 2 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 6 Increase HP by 6 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 3 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 7 Increase HP by 7 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 3 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 8 Increase HP by 8 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 3 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 9 Increase HP by 9 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 3 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 10 Increase HP by 10 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 3 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 11 Increase HP by 11 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 4 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 12 Increase HP by 12 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 4 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 13 Increase HP by 13 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 4 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 14 Increase HP by 14 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 4 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 16 Increase HP by 16 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 5 from the same attribute you possess!
Level 20 Increase HP by 20 and tap the Replay icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an ability with a cost of up to 5 from the same attribute you possess!

Black Smash[edit | edit source]

Joker Standard Slots SP Slot Description
Coin m Ability SSR.png
Squadra Esecuzioni (PITTER-PATTER Ver.) small.png

Coin m SSR.png
Yukako Yamagishi (Platinum Ring) small.png

Coin m SSR.png
Bruford and Tarkus small.png

Coin m SR.png
Caesar A. Zeppeli (Young Black) small.png

Coin m SSR.png
Prosciutto (Custom Campaign) small.png

This setup will boost either your ATK and HP.
Coin m SR.png
Polpo (Pu fuuuh) small.png

Coin m SR.png
Keicho Nijimura (Simultaneous Shooting) small.png

  • Polpo: Increase Smash damage and range in exchange of movement.
  • Keicho: Same ability as Prosciutto but with lower values.

How to Get[edit | edit source]

  • Diamond Gacha

See Also[edit | edit source]