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(SSR) Okuyasu Nijimura and Keicho Nijimura (Technical Tower Battle)

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Okuyasu Nijimura and Keicho Nijimura (Technical Tower Battle) small.png
Unit Okuyasu Nijimura and Keicho Nijimura (Technical Tower Battle).png
Tower Battle unit
Bg SSR.png
Coin l SSR.png
Unit Okuyasu Nijimura and Keicho Nijimura (Technical Tower Battle).png
Frame SSR Silver.png
Icon SSR.png
Okuyasu Nijimura
Keicho Nijimura
Stand User
Icon Silver.png
Diamond Is Unbreakable
The Hand and Bad Company

Two brothers who are using the Bow and Arrow to find a stand user who's capable of killing their father.
List of Medals.png
Main Info


Leader Skill

Brothers who hate inquiry

Silver, Blue and Green attributes ATK+60% and movement distance +45% up!

Command Skill

Anyone who gets in our way...

Deal 1000% damage x the current Round number to all enemies in a medium circular range and blow them away in accordance to this units movement distance! When an enemy unit touches the wall deal 10 hits of 250% damage and give the enemy +1 action count!


Unit list ability Silver.png
Icon Skill SP.png
We have the money for food!
Increase this units ATK and movement distance in accordance to the possessed gold digit x6%!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill on.png
Iconbase antiareaskill on.png

Resist Madness on icon.png

Madness invalid
Disable the effects of area skills Madness

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Mischief off icon.png

Mischief tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Mischief


Ability[edit | edit source]

We have the money for food!
Level 1 Increase this units ATK and movement distance in accordance to the possessed gold digit x6%!
Level 7 Increase this units ATK and movement distance in accordance to the possessed gold digit x12%!

How to Get[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]