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(SSR) Pesci (Login Bonus)

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Pesci (Login Bonus) small.png
Unit Pesci (Login Bonus).png
Bg SSR.png
Coin l SSR.png
Unit Pesci (Login Bonus).png
Frame SSR Silver.png
Icon SSR.png
Pesci Stand User
Icon Silver.png
Vento Aureo
Beach Boy
HP: Passione
Squadra Esecuzioni

A member of the assassination team. He has a timid and weak personality, and is referred to as "Mammoni" by Prosciutto.
List of Medals.png
Main Info


Leader Skill

A man who senses a sign

Silver attributes Smash range +40%

Command Skill

See also: Scaling

Something isn’t right!!

Upon activation increase your Skill Gauge by 10% for each enemy on the field! Furthermore, for 2 turns all allied units will deal 250% pursuit damage during contact hits!


Unit list ability Silver.png
Icon Skill SP.png
For 1 turn from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 25% and gain ATK+200%!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Pain off icon.png

Pain tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Pain


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

Something isn’t right!!
Level 1 Upon activation increase your Skill Gauge by 10% for each enemy on the field! Furthermore, for 2 turns all allied units will deal 250% pursuit damage during contact hits!

Ability[edit | edit source]

Level 1 For 1 turn from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 25% and gain ATK+200%!
Level 3 For 1 turn from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 28% and gain ATK+263%!
Level 5 For 2 turns from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 30% and gain ATK+326%!
Level 8 For 2 turns from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 34% and gain ATK+421%!
Level 10 For 2 turns from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 37% and gain ATK+484%!
Level 11 For 3 turns from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 38% and gain ATK+516%!
Level 13 For 3 turns from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 41% and gain ATK+579%!
Level 14 For 3 turns from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 42% and gain ATK+611%!
Level 15 For 3 turns from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 43% and gain ATK+642%!
Level 16 For 3 turns from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 45% and gain ATK+674%!
Level 17 For 3 turns from field appearance, cut damage from enemies by 46% and gain ATK+705%!

How to Get[edit | edit source]

  • Distributed
    • From 11/1/19 4:00 until 11/11/19 3:59