JoJo's: Stardust Shooters shutted down on April 13th, 2021. Otherwise, this Wiki will be up for those who it brings good memories.

Thanks for coming, reading, improving, and attacking this site.

Condolence book

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Feel free to add anything about the game, or anything you want to say, after knowing that the game will die. Pls, don't be a jerk and don't delete anything that ain't written by you. Feel free to post in any language.

Final goodbye after all these years[edit | edit source]

It's been roughly 3 years since I originally left the server and almost 2 years since the game shut down. Sometimes I do miss the game, at least the times before GER showed up, back then the game felt a bit more fun before all the convoluted quests and towers started popping up. But as much as I enjoyed this game, I also equally enjoyed all the friendships I was able to make throughout the years. I had a close group of friends and I had friends who weren't as close but were still good friends nonetheless. It may have been 3 years but I never stopped thinking about you guys, even if you all are most likely at different points in your lives and don't even remember me or anyone else. Chrollo, Andy, ro, hk, Engar, barney, my dear close group of friends, I truly from the bottom of my heart wish things ended differently. I wish we still sat in our private server talking about random stuff even with SS gone. But unfortunately that didn't happen. I miss you all and still think about you almost daily. It's not healthy and I should've let go long time ago but as you can see, I could not. To my not as close friends - leal, banshi, vanilla, wizen, io, I hope you guys are doing well and I cherish the times I got to spend with you all whether you were a close friend or just a friend. However this has been going on for too long, I cannot be stuck in past forever, so for whoever stumbles upon this and whoever knew me, I thank you for everything, all the fun, all the drama, all the memes, all the times where I got to be just a teenager on the internet having fun and making friends who liked the same game as I did.

Byebye, Terri - 17th January 2023

A little of Russian me..[edit | edit source]

Firstly, I would like to tell thanks to this site,it helped me a lot once. And yeah,like all of you guys I will miss this game,but at least we have stone ocean as anime at last!

So yeah,truly a masterpiece game,I managed to pull shadow diavolo,imbalance thing. Actually all cards were imbalance in some way. But my favourite card probably was The Grateful dead,that was epic

Was a joy,guys


update |2023

still miss this game, bros but at least we have dokkan battle

There will be no Jolyne...[edit | edit source]

I have the feeling that will be no gacha game like JoJoSS that will give me joy, funny and challenge as this one did. I'm gonna really miss collecting beautiful pngs... DioJoestar (talk) 15:06, 15 February 2021 (UTC)

PPP will be the next.png

Bye Bye Stone Ocean Artwork T.T[edit | edit source]

Nearly 2 years I've been playing this game ,it's been very cool. I'm gonna miss those artworks LeMonde21 (talk) 17:17, 15 February 2021 (UTC)

a mission acomplished[edit | edit source]

for many years i've dedicated my time in helping people that wanted to engage in the super odd and extra fun experience that jojoss was. throughout the years and silly controversies around the game's communities, good and sad times passed, people would come and go, and eventually, the game started feeling stale to me. it wasnt as magical as it was. sounding like a boomer but i remember when battle tower started, and we had to come with the most absurd (and creative) builds with counted resources capable to push through. some real strange shit started happening, like sustained tokitaro, checkmate dio knife build, shigechi cs exploiting, solo bike josuke, duelist kosaku, infinite btd, expert kira solo, jumpheel blacks, red orarush+watch duelist, kosacat/abayo reviver, combo blue dio, and goes on. and now thats gone, looking back to all the time dedicated to this, for all the moments i had, i could repeat all over again. maybe i'll see you in some other gacha game, or maybe a jojo game, idk but i am thankful for you playing with me. -heaven

A life changing experience[edit | edit source]

To say this game was very well ingrained in my life, and important to me in a lot of ways is an understatement. For nearly 5 years i've played JojoSS and it's been one of the greatest game rollercoasters for me personally, and I don't think i'll ever feel the same way about a gacha game again. It was the first gacha I ever played after seeing it advertised during the Diamond is Unbreakable anime and ever since flicking a pog for the first time, I was hooked.

This game is the entire reason I even began to learn Japanese, just so that I could understand what units did, and what I needed to do without having to look things up constantly, and i'm glad I was able to provide so many translations for a community even though they weren't always perfect. There were so many good memories. Pulling Limited Watch Jotaro for the first time, pulling SP 4Taro on his release, Part 5 being released into the game and of course GER himself. Part 5 was admittedly always my favourite part of Jojo, so to see it represented so well in the end made me so happy.

As a near completely f2p player the game had so many ups and downs, from not being able to do content, to beating the first technical tower when it first released (Technical P3 Jotaro v1!), to beating GER tower, all the way up to beating the third rotation of Requiem Road. The game may never have been perfect, but to myself, and I think the rest of the community that i've met over these years it'll always be our favourite (mobile) JoJo game. Nothing will ever be able to come close, and even though we're at the end we can be proud that we will have achieved seven years of up time by the time the game closes its curtain one last time on us in April.

After recently finishing up translating all the units profiles shortly before the game died, I admittedly felt a small sense of sadness knowing that'd be the last thing I ever translated for the game, but I hope that everyone will take some time to read different units profiles, although most are the same per character, there are some which have unique profiles which were quite fun.

It's been a pleasure providing edits for the wiki, and it's been an absolute pleasure meeting people who I consider good friends, and lastly it's been a pleasure being able to experience such a wonderful game for so long. Everything that has a beginning also has an ending, but the memories we made will last a life time. HysokaQuwrof (talk) 19:45, 15 February 2021 (UTC)

- Chrollo/Michael.

A fun, but flawed game[edit | edit source]

While I have ultimately decided to stop playing the game some time ago, I can't just let it go without a word in its final moments. Those 3-4 years when I was most active in the game were really fun, nothing can replace those moments. Discussing optimal builds for HIO, Shaq, Joseshiza; figuring out ways to build around CS cancel DIO; sharing tower floor comps; they will all hold a special place in my heart.

The game was... weirdly special, with the focus on teambuilding and giving the player endless amounts of options to make specific builds for units was what got me hooked. It was all up to you to find the synergies and make whole new playstyles. It was really fun to experiment with something entirely new, and see it succeed. Best comparison I can make is building your own deck in a cardgame. I have simply never seen a game like this before, and it was all in a JoJo flavored package.

But still, it feels mixed to see it end. Bitter, since it *was* truly unique, and I loved it to death. Though, I still had this nagging feeling that the game was going downhill and it was too late to stop. The first moment I can remember that was like this, was the release of Biorno. They were so dominant, especially with SP Gio, that it felt like if you didn't have them or didn't include them in your team, you were handicapping yourself. After that was KC, which kind of solidified it even more. Then came Limited Pesci and SP Ris, when I became vocal about it. Then the final nail in the coffin was GER, which was the Biorno situation but to the extreme. So much so, that newer content was really about the devs trying different ways to not let you use GER.

Though... the good times still remain. Looking past all the insane powercreep, there was still a unique, fun, rewarding game to be played. All the good memories will stay with me, and all of us. And let us hope that a game like this will be made again.Osmos (talk) 21:34, 16 February 2021 (UTC)

game stink, i smile; game die, i cri[edit | edit source]

was a funny little game for a few minutes, but then it grabs you in with free diamonds and the promise of calling you back, effectively caging you into an endless spiral of doing boring stuff while you fumble and try and find the one unit that can beat the very specific level gimick. and then you realize you dont have that unit and you beg and scream into your open palms, promising there is something special between you two. but you know she doesnt care, she does the same to everyone. slyly luring everyone with her good looks and clean unit art, perfectly exploiting your desperation as you check in every day to see what new tease you'll be subjected to next. the short highs keep you up at night, your brain forcing out each drop of dopamine it can get before it crashes once more into doing tower stages for pennies to the dollar. you know deep down how you cant live off of that high, but what else are you gonna do? play your 500th hour of heritage for the future? sit in the empty lobbies of the play station games? play pitter patter pop?!

but ey fuck it whatever, i got every doppio unit in the game, thats all i care about. eat your greens are always remember, gold anthem is gonna suck more than [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]

sincerely, dumqunt


Arrivederci, Stardust Shooters[edit | edit source]

A game that mastered it's own craft and still kept going, I can respect that. Even if a slow burn grind of a game, it still wasn't something I could hate. My biggest hope is that someone can share all this game's assets so that the beautiful artwork can live on forever, the team behind them did a fantastical job on that end. -Blulight

And I was never able to use GER skill[edit | edit source]

Probably one of the first gatcha's I ever grinded, I miss my units.

For the people[edit | edit source]

My time with this game wasn't very long compared to the old-timers due to unfortunate circumstances but I will say that this game did bring a lot of beautiful memories to me, memories that I will always think of fondly. At first, I was a lurker for the longest time until I decided to become more and more vocal and started to socialize with some of the people on the discord server. We always cracked jokes with each other, and sometimes at each other's expense. I had the chance to play a few games outside of jjss with them and even played DND for the first time cause of them, something that was at first a bit awkward for me until I really embraced it and ended up having the biggest laughs out of it. Unfortunately, I had to distance myself from the small group of friends I made not only in this community but also in my own life outside of social media. There was a lot going on in my life that I had to deal with and focus on or I wouldn't have gotten mentally better. There are a lot of things I could've done better as a friend, but I learned that I have to move forward with my life and hope for the best for the people who were dear to me. That is the one thing I am grateful for jjss, the community that it introduced me to. -DP

What i Have to say[edit | edit source]

I Come from the JoJo Wiki, and my Name is Aiden the ToyManiac. i never really knew about this game until Now, but i wish i was able to enjoy this game when it was Alive and well, although i don't play This style of game, this one looked like an Exception. Goodbye Stardust Shooters, I'm guessing it was fun while it lasted.