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Devo the Cursed

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Devo (デーボ, Dēbo), commonly known as Devo the Cursed (呪いのデーボ, Noroi no Dēbo), is a minor antagonist featured in the third part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders, specifically the "Devil" story arc.

An infamous Native American shaman and assassin in DIO's service, Devo ambushes Jean Pierre Polnareff in his hotel room in Singapore. He is a Stand User and uses Ebony Devil.

List of Medals[edit | edit source]


Stardust Crusaders

No units yet


Stardust Crusaders

Coin m SR.png
Devo the Cursed (Moving doll) small.png

Unit skillcolor Black.png
Coin m SR.png
Devo the Cursed (Should I leave it in?) small.png

Unit skillcolor Black.png


Stardust Crusaders

Coin m R.png
Devo the Cursed (Devil's blunt) small.png

Unit skillcolor Black.png

References[edit | edit source]