JoJo's: Stardust Shooters shutted down on April 13th, 2021. Otherwise, this Wiki will be up for those who it brings good memories.
Thanks for coming, reading, improving, and attacking this site.

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Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー, Dio Burandō), known simply as DIO (ディオ, DIO) from Part 3 onwards, is the main antagonist of both Phantom Blood and Stardust Crusaders.
Originally a man of low birth but peerless ambition, Dio is a villain of little conscience, vast deceit and an insatiable hunger for power. After becoming a vampire and later a Stand user, Dio has gathered around him many minions and is responsible for many major events of the series. From the death of Jonathan Joestar to the Joestar Family's sudden acquisition of Stand power, his legacy persists throughout the series.
Dio is the father of Giorno Giovanna, the protagonist of Vento Aureo, as well as a handful of other illegitimate offspring.
List of Medals[edit | edit source]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]