Technical Tower Battle:Diavolo/Hard - Floor 6

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This is floor is restricted to use only Red units.

Team Build[edit | edit source]

Leader Standby Guest
Coin m SSR.png
Giorno Giovanna vs Diavolo small.png
Unit icon SP.png

Coin m SSR.png
Jotaro Kujo【Part 4】(Platinum Ring) small.png

Coin m N.png

Unit nocoin set.png

Coin m SSR.png
Guido Mista (Login Bonus) small.png

Man inflicting fear
For 1 turn, add +1 to action count to all enemies at the start of the turn
Link skill team set button Red.png
Coin m SSR.png
Secco (Polar Star) small.png

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Giorno Giovanna and Diavolo
Coin m SSR.png
Jotaro Kujo (Platinum Ring) small.png

Coin m SSR.png
Joseph and Lisa Lisa small.png

Coin m SSR.png
Joseph Joestar and Caesar A. Zeppeli (Positive and Negative Hamon) small.png

Joker Slot
Coin m SSR.png
Akira Otoishi (Shut up!) small.png

Coin m SSR.png
Jotaro Kujo (Watchtaro) small.png

Jotaro Kujo
Unit nocoin set.png

Unit nocoin set.png

Unit nocoin set.png

Unit nocoin set.png

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Round 1[edit | edit source]

Use the Giorno&Diavolo Command Skill.

Round 2[edit | edit source]

Use the Giorno&Diavolo Command skill. Use the Rush ability when needed to build your gauge back up.

Round 3[edit | edit source]

Use the rush ability to kill Death 13, and after he's dead stall and wait for Risotto to enter the field. After Risotto has entered use the command skill to kill him. Straizo will come next, and here use the Rush ability to kill D'arby, Angelo and Straizo. Giorno, Trish and illuso will come as reinforcements next, use the rush ability to kill Giorno and Trish, and then stall. Reimi will come last which will overwrite illuso's field ability, allowing you to use your command skill.

Round 4[edit | edit source]

Use the Giorno&Diavolo Command Skill and the Rush ability continually until all enemy units are dead.

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Coin m SSR.png
Vinegar Doppio (SP Campaign) small.png