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(SSR) Rohan Kishibe and Koichi Hirose (Echoes ACT 3 and Heaven's Door)

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Rohan Kishibe and Koichi Hirose (Echoes ACT 3 and Heaven's Door) small.png
Unit Rohan Kishibe and Koichi Hirose (Echoes ACT 3 and Heaven's Door).png
Super Advent unit
Bg SSR.png
Coin l SSR.png
Unit Rohan Kishibe and Koichi Hirose (Echoes ACT 3 and Heaven's Door).png
Frame SSR Green.png
Icon SSR.png
Rohan Kishibe
Koichi Hirose
Stand User
Icon Green.png
Diamond Is Unbreakable
Heaven's Door and Echoes【ACT3】

After overcoming many difficulties together, the two's friendship deepens.
List of Medals.png
Main Info
This is a Super Advent unit (SP).


Leader Skill

A popular manga artist and a kindhearted boy

All parameters of Green and Red attributes are increased by 50%!

Command Skill

See also: Scaling

Echoes ACT 3 and Heaven's Door

For 3 turns stop enemy movement and deal 1000% damage (partially ignoring defense skills) in a circle around you (size based on own HP, the lower the HP the bigger the circle). Furthermore, set the ATK of reinforcements to "1000" for 2 turns and set defense to "0"!


Unit list ability Green.png
Icon Skill SP.png
Leader Boost
When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 50% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 50%!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill on.png
Iconbase antiareaskill on.png

Resist Intimidation on icon.png

Intimidation invalid
Disable the effects of area skills Intimidation

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Mischief off icon.png

Mischief tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Mischief


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

Echoes ACT 3 and Heaven's Door
Level 1 For 3 turns stop enemy movement and deal 1000% damage (partially ignoring defense skills) in a circle around you (size based on own HP, the lower the HP the bigger the circle). Furthermore, set the ATK of reinforcements to "1000" for 2 turns and set defense to "0"!
Level 20 For 3 turns stop enemy movement and deal 9500% damage (partially ignoring defense skills) in a circle around you (size based on own HP, the lower the HP the bigger the circle). Furthermore, set the ATK of reinforcements to "100" for 2 turns and set defense to "0"!

Ability[edit | edit source]

Leader Boost
Level 1 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 50% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 50%!
Level 3 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 66% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 55%!
Level 5 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 82% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 61%!
Level 7 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 97% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 66%!
Level 8 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 105% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 68%!
Level 9 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 113% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 71%!
Level 10 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 121% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 74%!
Level 11 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 129% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 76%!
Level 15 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 153% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 84%!
Level 15 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 161% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 87%!
Level 16 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 168% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 89%!
Level 20 When the unit equipped with this Ability is positioned as Leader, the number of Ability Capacity available × 200% ATK up for all ally! Furthermore, at the start of the Round, the Skill Gauge increases by 100%!

Recommended Equips[edit | edit source]

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Coin m SSR.png
Okuyasu Nijimura and Keicho Nijimura small.png

Okuyasu Nijimura and Keicho Nijimura
Grants a free Command Skill activation when you reach max Skill Gauge to compensate for the high cost.

How to Get[edit | edit source]

  • Diamond Gacha

Gallery[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]