(SSR) Giorno Giovanna and Narancia Ghirga

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Giorno Giovanna and Narancia Ghirga small.png
Unit Giorno Giovanna and Narancia Ghirga.png
Super Advent unit
Bg SSR.png
Coin l SSR.png
Unit Giorno Giovanna and Narancia Ghirga.png
Frame SSR Blue.png
Icon SSR.png
Giorno Giovanna
Narancia Ghirga
Stand User
Icon Blue.png
Vento Aureo
Gold Experience and Aerosmith
HP: Team Bucciarati

Giorno's resourcefulness and Narancia's scouting ability form a powerful weapon for the Bucciarati team.
List of Medals.png
Main Info
This is a Super Advent unit (SP).


Leader Skill

Gangsters with hope

Blue attributes and Passione members gain +70% all parameters!

Command Skill

See also: Scaling

Golden wings

Upon activation move slowly for a certain distance with the counter disabled! During this movement deal 500% damage to all enemies in the direction of this units movement, and you can swipe to change the direction! Furthermore when this unit stops deal the hit counter value x 250% defence ignoring and partial defence damage to all enemies on the field!


Unit list ability Blue.png
Icon Skill SP.png
Road of dreams
Gain ATK+20% for every "5" team cost that isn't used on your team, and the Skill Gauge consumption for this unit becomes 0 for every "100" team cost used!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill on.png
Iconbase antiareaskill on.png

Resist Mischief on icon.png

Mischief invalid
Disable the effects of area skills Mischief

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Destruction off icon.png

You can destroy area skills up to 1 time


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

Golden wings
Level 1 Upon activation move slowly for a certain distance with the counter disabled! During this movement deal 500% damage to all enemies in the direction of this units movement, and you can swipe to change the direction! Furthermore when this unit stops deal the hit counter value x 250% defence ignoring and partial defence damage to all enemies on the field!
Level 20 Upon activation move slowly for a certain distance with the counter disabled! During this movement deal 3000% damage to all enemies in the direction of this units movement, and you can swipe to change the direction! Furthermore when this unit stops deal the hit counter value x 2000% defence ignoring and partial defence damage to all enemies on the field!

Ability[edit | edit source]

Road of dreams
Level 1 Gain ATK+20% for every "5" team cost that isn't used on your team, and the Skill Gauge consumption for this unit becomes 0 for every "100" team cost used!
Level 2 Gain ATK+20% for every "5" team cost that isn't used on your team, and the Skill Gauge consumption for this unit becomes 0 for every "97" team cost used!
Level 3 Gain ATK+20% for every "5" team cost that isn't used on your team, and the Skill Gauge consumption for this unit becomes 0 for every "95" team cost used!
Level 4 Gain ATK+20% for every "4" team cost that isn't used on your team, and the Skill Gauge consumption for this unit becomes 0 for every "92" team cost used!
Level 5 Gain ATK+20% for every "4" team cost that isn't used on your team, and the Skill Gauge consumption for this unit becomes 0 for every "89" team cost used!
Level 7 Gain ATK+20% for every "4" team cost that isn't used on your team, and the Skill Gauge consumption for this unit becomes 0 for every "84" team cost used!
Level 9 Gain ATK+20% for every "3" team cost that isn't used on your team, and the Skill Gauge consumption for this unit becomes 0 for every "79" team cost used!
Level 20 Gain ATK+20% for every "1" team cost that isn't used on your team, and the Skill Gauge consumption for this unit becomes 0 for every "50" team cost used!

How to Get[edit | edit source]

  • Diamond Gacha