(SR) Caesar A. Zeppeli (Young Black)

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Caesar A. Zeppeli (Young Black) small.png
Unit Caesar A. Zeppeli (Young Black).png
Bg SR.png
Coin l SR.png
Unit Caesar A. Zeppeli (Young Black).png
Frame SR Black.png
Icon SR.png
Caesar A. Zeppeli Hamon User
Icon Black.png
Battle Tendency
Hamon User
HP: Zeppeli

The grandson of Will A. Zeppeli. He's talented at Hamon incorporating soap bubbles into his techniques. He's proud of his lineage, and although he may be harsh, he cares about his friends and family.
List of Medals.png
Main Info


Leader Skill


Black attributes ATK+55%

Command Skill

Showering with blows

Deal 5 hits to enemies within a small circular range! Deal 400% damage up to 4 hits, deal 480% damage on the 5th hit & for 1 turn disable their actions!


Unit list ability Black.png
Icon Skill SP.png
Ferocity and desperation
With your own movement down, ATK multiplies by 150%

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Pain off icon.png

Pain tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Pain


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

Showering with blows
Level 1 Deal 5 hits to enemies within a small circular range! Deal 400% damage up to 4 hits, deal 480% damage on the 5th hit & for 1 turn disable their actions!
Level 15 Deal 5 hits to enemies within a small circular range! Deal 1284% damage up to 4 hits, deal 2779% damage on the 5th hit & for 1 turn disable their actions!

Ability[edit | edit source]

Ferocity and desperation
Level 1 With your own movement down, ATK multiplies by 150%
Level 20 With your own movement down, ATK multiplies by 350%

How to Get[edit | edit source]

  • Encounter Quest - The Steel-Wired Escaped Prisoner

References[edit | edit source]