(SR) Muhammad Avdol (Soul Inheritance)

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Muhammad Avdol (Soul Inheritance) small.png
Unit Muhammad Avdol (Soul Inheritance).png
Bg SR.png
Coin l SR.png
Unit Muhammad Avdol (Soul Inheritance).png
Frame SR Red.png
Icon SR.png
Muhammad Avdol Stand User
Icon Red.png
Stardust Crusaders
Magician's Red

He has an honest and serious character, and becomes the chief strategist of the Crusaders. He was born with a stand, and has a deep knowledge of them.
List of Medals.png
Main Info


Leader Skill

A Man with a keen look

Red attributes and Stand users ATK+35% and Smash range +30%!

Command Skill

Soul inheritance

Upon activation select 1 ally unit! When Avdol dies and leave the field, their Skill Gauge consumption will become 0, and they'll gain ATK+300% and movement distance +200% to the target for 2 turns! This Command Skill may only be used once per Round.


Unit list ability Red.png
Icon Skill SP.png
Divine protection of flames
Increase this units HP by +8000! Furthermore, if this unit is the first to act during the turn, boost its movement distance by 150%!

Break Skill

Unit frame antiareaskill off.png
Iconbase antiareaskill off.png

Resist Mischief off icon.png

Mischief tolerance
Disable the effects of area skills Mischief


Command Skill[edit | edit source]

Soul inheritance
Level 1 Upon activation select 1 ally unit! When Avdol dies and leave the field, their Skill Gauge consumption will become 0, and they'll gain ATK+300% and movement distance +200% to the target for 2 turns! This Command Skill may only be used once per Round.
Level 20 Upon activation select 1 ally unit! When Avdol dies and leave the field, their Skill Gauge consumption will become 0, and they'll gain ATK+1500% and movement distance +300% to the target for 2 turns! This Command Skill may only be used once per Round.

Ability[edit | edit source]

Divine protection of flames
Level 1 Increase this units HP by +8000! Furthermore, if this unit is the first to act during the turn, boost its movement distance by 150%!
Level 20 Increase this units HP by +20000! Furthermore, if this unit is the first to act during the turn, boost its movement distance by 300%!

Enhancements[edit | edit source]

January 29, 2020
- Leader Skill:
Red attributes and Stand users ATK+20% and Smash range +15%!

- Command Skill:
Upon activation select 1 ally unit! When Avdol dies and leave the field, their Skill Gauge consumption will become 0, and they'll gain ATK+200% and movement distance +100% to the target for 2 turns! This Command Skill may only be used once per Round.

- Ability:
Increase this units HP by +4000! Furthermore, if this unit is the first to act during the turn, boost its movement distance by 80%!

- Break Skill:
Added Mischief Break Skill